[Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths]

Multipotentialite visualisation of interests

multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. Multipotentialites have no “one true calling” the way specialists do. Being a multipotentialite is our destiny. We have many paths and we pursue all of them, either sequentially or simultaneously (or both).

I recently discovered this concept and decided to compile a list of my various interests over the years. It turned out there were A LOT. As the list grew I realised that a visualisation would probably be easier to understand.

I wanted a diagram that would let me show multiple interests, group them with one another but still link them with elements in other groups. A mind-map/brain dump style diagram makes the most sense for this kind of data. I also wanted to build it so that it could easily be updated over time, as my interests grow. Finally I wanted a solution that would allow other multipotentialites to easily throw together a version with their own data. With these requirements a static diagram would be no good, it needed to be something that could be automatically generated from a dataset. After a bit of playing around with various js libraries I came across amcharts force directed tree diagram.

A Force Directed Tree is a special kind of chart used to display of multi-item data related in hierarchical, linear or mixed way, as a series of linked bubbles.

With a bit of tweaking this is what I ended up with:

Multipotentialite visualisation of interests

It was relatively straight forward to set up based on the existing demo. To make it easier for someone to do up their own version I moved the data out into a separate json file. If you want to do one for yourself simply

  1. Download the code from bitbucket
  2. Ensure that you can get the diagram working with the existing mydata.json file. Just open the index.html file in your browser. See README.md for notes on Chrome.
  3. Once that is done you replace the content of the mydata.json file with valid json listing YOUR interests in the same format and make sure you save the file.
  4. Refresh the index.html page to see your version. If you have an error in your json data the diagram simply won’t display. I recommend that if this happens you use the following JSON Validator to check and correct the format of your list of interests.