Fabric twist journal
As part of a recent swap with the amazing and talented Lisa Goddard I got to try something a bit different. The idea was to put together a basic journal…
Repurpose a slogan jumper (don’t stop repealing)
I'm doing my best to reduce my consumption and avoid fast fashion. That said, sometimes something comes along that you feel so strongly about that you must shout it from…
Vintage correspondence case Before and After
Before After
Spinning on a drop spindle
I'm working through my stash and I've finally gotten around to starting on the Silk Road sample/rainbow pack from HillTopCloud. This is the beautiful silky sky blue.
From Instagram: Laser cutting fun at UoS iForge for next craft project #equalpay #genderpaygap #noceilings #iforge #universityofsheffield
This image has been automagically pulled from my Instagram feed here
From Instagram: Sometimes all you really need is a lovely cup of tea. #theholt #tea #sheffield #nofilter #lovelycupoftea
This image has been automagically pulled from my Instagram feed here
Gothic/Witch ephemera – Incoming
Received this amazing swap bundle from the amazing Lisa Goddard (mixed media artist extraordinaire). She has handmade a huge amount of this beautiful dark collection of skulls, flowers, envelopes and miscellaneous…
Circus Ephemera – outgoing
My first visit to the University of Sheffield Student run iForge maker space and my second attempt at laser cutting. I was creating these to gift as part of an ephemera swap. When creating my .dfx file I somehow managed to create double cutting lines, resulting in some flames, concerned looks and a less than perfect cut. Oh well, a lesson for the next time.

Hermione’s Everyday Socks – Knitted
Hermione's Everyday Socks by Erica Lueder Yarn: For the Love of Yarn Merino yak, less than 1 skein, colourway= Seascape This was my first attempt at knitting socks, so when the pattern said…
Gothic Witchy Junk Journal
This has been my first attempt at making a Junk Journal. This gothic witchy junk journal has been made from The Mammoth Book Of Thrillers, Ghosts & Mysteries published in 1936.

Quick and Easy Slouchy Hat – Knitted
Quick and Easy Slouchy Hats by Jessica Gutoski