Yip Yip – Knitted

Fast-fashion label patchwork pouch
The world is facing a fast-fashion epidemic. Less than 1% of the material used to produce clothing is recycled into new textiles and fibres ( Elle MacArthur Foundation 2017 ).…
Heart-flow weaving
This is a recent creation from a kit I purchased at the Sheffield Wool Monty.
Rule #3:
Once the same code is replicated three times, it should be extracted into a new procedure.
– by Martin Fowler in his text “Refactoring” and attributed to Don Roberts
Celebrating Women In Engineering
The event: I recently had the fantastic opportunity to volunteer at the Celebrating Women In Engineering And Computer Science event at King Edward VII School. On the 1st of July…
From Instagram: Great haul from #thewoolmonty today 😁 #ilovesheffield #nofilter #lmbl #craftshow
The Wool Monty in Sheffield
Bold & Beautiful – Knitted
Bold & Beautiful knitting pattern by Cathy Carron Published in Short Story: Chic Knits for Layering Straight forward knit and pretty easy to assemble. Each side (i.e. the arm and…
Cabinet Upcycle
This TV cabinet could have been a write-off. The British Heart Foundation had it on sale for £5. With it's dark wood veneer surface and missing back it was filthy, abandoned and grim. I suspect if I hadn't spotted it there is a good chance it would have just ended up in a skip. Luckily (for me) I spotted it while looking for a new home for all my craft bits. The carving on the front "had potential". I paid the lovely staff the £20 quid to have it delivered, gave it a thorough clean it, sanded it and painted it with this lovely "Jelly Bean" colour from Valspar/Pantone

Risk assess your organisation’s Google Apps
A few apps So lucky you, someone (maybe you) has realised third parties at your organisation are an important consideration for information security. Maybe you were one of those happy…
Owl Hat – Knitted
Knitted using Owl Hat Pattern by Ruthie Nussbaum
Gran Jumper – Knitted
Gran pattern by Dora Creadora I started with medium size but quickly realised it was running smaller than expected. I didn’t want to frog it and start again so instead,…
From Instagram: Got my patchwork stocking finished on time. #craft #patchwork #nofilter #diychristmas
This is as simple as Do a google search for a sock shape and print it out on paper cut it out of the paper - now you have a…
Scrap memory tassel
Over the years I've collected all manner of badges, patches, beads, bits and bobs. Small bits of tat and ephemera, they've sat around in the bottom of boxes. Every so…
Crazy patchwork purse – Sewing
This was a quick crazy patchwork project. I had a load of scraps of "fancy" burgundy and silver/gold fabric that I didn't want to throw out. Just about enough for…