[Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths]


meSch post-visit visualisations
Data VisualizationsDesignResearch

From Instagram: Trying to find a way to put all this in words. #mesch #visualisation #postvisit

Post museum visit visualisations. This image has been automagically pulled from my Instagram feed here
Create Kibana visualizations and dashboards dynamically
CodeData VisualizationsResearch

Create Kibana visualizations and dashboards dynamically

If you've used Kibana, then you probably know how easy it is to create a dashboard via the GUI. What you may not know is that it is also possible to dynamically create kibana dashboards and visualizations! It is as easy as making a curl request. kibanagui - dynamically create kibana dashboards

Atlantikwall Android App

The video below demonstrates an Android App built for evaluation of Atlantikwall exhibition at Museon in Den Haag. This application has been built on the Ionic Cordova stack. The user first chooses language(Dutch or English), then perspective(Soldier, Civilian or Civil Servant) and may then watch videos for the various points of interest.

iStep in action

What is iStep

iStep is a web based intervention developed by Sheffield Hallam University as part of the EU funded project Innovage. Its aims were to both promote and enable healthy, active lifestyles towards a reduction in levels of problematic obesity in increasingly aging populations. iStep stands for 'Intergenerational Support To Encourage Physical Activity'. The iStep tool was designed to allow a younger and an older person to form a partnerships and track their physical activity. Two people would pair up to form a dyad. They could then compete against other pairs to complete a challenge. Users of the system could see how much activity they had done, compare their progress with other dyads teams, and work towards a series of collective goals, by logging onto the on-line iStep environment.

How does iStep work?

The videos below illustrate each stage of using the iStep platform.
Demolding smart objects for Museo della Guerra

From Instagram: Demolding smart objects for Museo della Guerra #meschproject

This image has been automagically pulled from my Instagram feed here These resin smart objects have NFC tags embedded in them. Content is triggered when they are placed on meSch…
Google Maps API V3 Demos
CodeData VisualizationsResearch

Google Maps API V3 Demos

The following demos may prove useful to someone. The are based on one of the WordPress plugins built for the Innovage iStep European project. Click on the link below each…
From Instagram: Back in the office reading up on data visualisations @meschproject #makies
Data VisualizationsResearchTechToys

From Instagram: Back in the office reading up on data visualisations @meschproject #makies

This image has been automagically pulled from my Instagram feed here

Make vertical swipe scroll down in browser on Android

I needed to catch left swipe and have it force the page to scroll down in the browser on an Android device. Regular scrolling (up and down) needed to continue…
Atlantic Wall exhibition end of visit interactive table and checkout point
CodeData VisualizationsDesignResearch

The Hague and the Atlantic Wall

On April 10th, 2015, the first meSch enhanced exhibition opened to the public at Museon, a Dutch museum. ‘The Hague and the Atlantic Wall – War in the City of…
innovage logo - iStep

Innovage iStep

Originally this post linked to the sites hosting the iStep web-based intervention. The Innovage project has now ended. As a result, the original test site and live site sites for…
Sew Magazine Jolly Santa gets lilypad arduino

Sew Magazine Jolly Santa goes techno

While at the Hobbycraft show in Birmingham at the NEC recently I picked up a copy of Sew Magazine with a Jolly Santa sewing kit. It's cute but I thought it could benefit from some further brightening up....with LEDs wearable electronic santa - Sew Magazine Jolly Santa

Sew Electric

Given the easy availability of sew-able electric components these days I'm currently having a go at wearable electronics. sew electric

WordPress – Enable compression – Leverage browser caching

It's easy enough to enable compression and leverage browser caching in wordpress by directly editing the root .htaccess file. Make a backup of your .htaccess file before you do this…

Buddypress – add terms and conditions to registration

I wanted to add a terms and conditions checkbox and link to the registration process. I tried the two main plugins (Agreeable and BP Xtra Signup) and found they were…

Buddypress add validation to custom field

So you need to validate a custom registration field in buddypress. You will want to be looking at the hook bp_signup_validate. The following code can be added to your custom…